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ash can 1.〔美國〕= ash-bin (into the as...

ash cart

The research results show that when the fly ash content is under 30 % , the strength of rcc can be increased but the effect is a little ; and with the fly ash content increased the dry shrinkage of the rcc reduced straightly , and the abrasion resistance and freeze resistance increased obviously . ( 3 ) fly ash can increase durability of the rcc and under the experiment condition , the perfect mixing content is 30 % 試驗結果表明: ( 1 )粉煤灰摻量小于30 %時能提高碾壓混凝土強度但影響度不大; ( 2 )隨著粉煤灰摻量的增加,碾壓混凝土的干縮呈直線降低,且抗磨性和抗凍融能力明顯提高; ( 3 )粉煤灰能有效提高碾壓混凝土的耐久性,且在試驗條件下的最佳摻量為30 % 。

The results of research on the workability of hbc concrete show that hbc concrete , when compared with opc concrete , has excellent compatibility with superplasticizer , in terms of better initial fluidity , less slump loss , definite saturation point and less dosage at saturation point . in addition , good mineral admixture such as i class fly ash can obviously improve the workability of hbc concrete . moreover , hbc concrete exhibits more excellent workability under the condition of low w / c ratio , which indicates hbc is more suitable for making super high strength concrete whose w / c ratio is very low 對高貝利特水泥高性能混凝土工作性能的研究結果表明,高貝利特水泥與高效減水劑具有良好的適應性,表現為初始流動度較大,經時損失較小,具有明顯的飽和點且飽和點摻量較小;此外,優質的礦物摻和料如一級粉煤灰能明顯改善hbc混凝土的工作性能;更為突出的是hbc混凝土在低水膠比的情況下表現出更為優異的工作性,這一特性預示著高貝利特水泥更適宜配制水膠比很低的超高強混凝土。

The separate addition of micro - silica , ultra - fined slag , high quality fly ash can improve the cement concrete ' s anti - chloride permeability . the result is micro - silica grater than slag grater than fly ash , and the greater the amount that added the greater the improvement is 5 x而水化產物對氯離于的固化主要為水化氯鋁酸鈣( friedel鹽)生成及c s h凝膠體的層間物理化學吸附作用。

On the basis of ways of six ingredients , fly ash can be put into high strength and high performance concrete whose reliability of strength is very high 采用六組分路線配制粉煤灰高強高性能混凝土,揭示了其應用到高強高性能混凝土中的具有較高的可靠性。

The excellent quality of coating film based on waterproof two - component polyurethane coating filled with fly ash can be gained when the fineness of fly ash is 300 meshes 當粉煤灰的細度為300目時能得到性能優良的雙組分聚氨酯防水涂料。

The ratio of strength to cost is introduced to discuss the problem in which whether high volume fly ash can reduce the cost of concrete 針對摻用大量粉煤灰是否可以降低混凝土成本的問題,本文引入強度成本這個指標作了一些探討。

The beginning experiment shows : after disposed by this installation , the doffmg - charcoal rate of original fly ash can achieve 29 % 初步試驗結果表明,原狀粉煤灰經本試驗裝置脫炭處理后,脫炭率達到29 ,具有一定的脫炭效果。

Thus , measuring carbon content of fly ash can help to know boiler burning state 因此,檢測燃煤鍋爐的飛灰含碳量可以直接了解鍋爐的燃燒狀態。

Saponification slag - fly ash can be used in the high fill sections of highway 皂化渣粉煤灰可以用做橋頭等高填土路段的回填材料。

They were members of what was called the ash can school of realistic painting 他們是寫實繪畫的煙灰缸畫派中的成員。